As much as we’d like to cook organic meals every day, get in the recommended eight hours of sleep each night, or hit the gym every morning, there are numbers of ways to pick up healthy habits that don’t need you to be quite as disciplined.

Whether you begin to cultivate a few at a time, these habits are good for people of all ages, of course. Nonetheless, the earlier you get on it, the sooner you can reap the benefits of healthy living.

1. Get Moving


Many people claim that they simply don’t have the luxury time to exercise, but that is not really an excuse. Because there’s concrete proof that short but frequent bouts of exercise can yield some major health benefits. So please invest in your health by just churning out at least 10 minutes of your time to exercise.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables


In a study conducted by Harvard University, people who consume a huge amount of fruits and vegatables also happen to have lower rates of cardiovascular disease. Especially if you’re eating leafy, green vegetables, cruciferous veggies, and citrus fruits.

3. Read

Reading has a significant number of benefits. No matter how much stress you have, a novel can send you to other realms. Reading motivational article also helps recenter your thinking, keeping you in the present moment, allowing you to relax.

4. Take Vitamin C


Our tissues don’t store Vitamin C, we need to consume it on a regular basis or include it in our beauty routine.

Vitamin C isn’t just for immunity. When you are faced with a stressful situation, your vitamin C is rapidly used up in the production of cortisol and related stress-response hormones.

5. Get some sun


Our body is designed to get the Vitamin D it needs by producing it when your bare skin is exposed to sunlight. So head out, get some sun. Also, Vitamin D improves your mood and fight depression by activating the genes that release dopamine and serotonin.

6. Cut back on evil sugar

Listen up. Sugar is the evil one, not carbs. Eating too many of these empty calories has many disastrous effects on your health, such as obesity, higher blood pressure, and more. Check out this article produced by MyFitnessPal on the benefits of cutting back on sugar.

7. Spend time with loved ones


Sometimes you can get into your own little bubble, or you don’t go out at all, what we’re trying to say is that socialisation is very important. Many research have shown the importance of social networks. Relationship makes everything so much better. So go call your parents or WeChat your friend to meet up.

8. Drink lots of water


The most cliche advice ever: hydrate yourself by drinking lot of water. Water help us to perform our daily functions, balance our body fluids, and fight infection. Water also provides your skin with the moisture needed to stay radiant and youthful looking. In addition to that, drinking more water helps to suppress hunger and allows you to keep your appetite under control.

Read also: 5 Brain Food that Can Improve Your Brain Power

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