Everyone knew that we need to get 8 hours of rest every day, however, is there any difference when we get to bed on 10 pm or 11 pm? Although most of us are lack of sleep every night, we have to know about this scientific studies too. According to scientific studies, this is the best time to sleep…Read more!

Image: ArticleCube.com
Image: ArticleCube.com

We know all of us must be thinking that as long as we get enough of 8 hours of sleep every night, it is good enough already. But this does not mean that we can go to bed at 2 am each night and wake up at 9 am in the morning on the next day.

According to scientific studies, there are actually two parties who agree with different beliefs.  A study published recently found that individuals who went to bed later had more negative, intrusive thoughts than those who went to bed earlier. On top of that, a newer study also found that an earlier bedtime may actually make us stay away from mental illness.

Image: huffingtonpost.co.uk
Image: huffingtonpost.co.uk

However, it may have more to do with consistency rather than the actual hour you fall asleep. Thus, according to the results, you can sleep and wake up at any time you wish, all you have to do is just stick it to a steady schedule.

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On the other side, there is another expert said that the optimal sleep time schedule should be from 10 pm to 6 pm as it is our body’s natural circadian rhythm. However, if you are night owls, you should try to adjust your time accordingly. For instance, if you usually get sleepy at 12 am, then you should slowly adjust it to 11:30 pm and so on.

For us, we think it is better to stick back to the usual time you go to bed. Are you the one who sticks to a sleep schedule as well?

Featured Image: www.lawrenceparkhealth.com

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