A healthy diet is what we look for in order to get rid of the tummy. You often hit the gym but still can’t get rid of the tummy? If you are trying to lose weight, you need to eat a balanced diet of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. On top of that, you need to reduce these carbs if you want to get a flat tummy.

  1. White Bread
Image: cbsnews.com
Image: cbsnews.com

Well, plain white bread might be your everyday breakfast.Plain white bread is a type of bread where its bran and germ layer have been removed. That is why it contains a higher amount of sugar content with about of 79g of calories, 15g of carbohydrates and 0.8g of dietary fiber.

2. Sugary snacks and desserts

A lot of people actually skip lunch during the lunch hour and take some sugary drinks, snacks or desserts to replace. However, these foods contain hardly any vitamin and mineral content. According to American Heart Association, it is advised that women should consume no more than 25g of added sugar in one day.

3. Fruit juices and smoothies

Image: © Inga Nielsen/shutterstock.com
Image: © Inga Nielsen/shutterstock.com

As we all know, having some healthy fruits in our daily diet provides essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. However, too many fruits in one serving can load you up on sugar and increase the blood sugar levels soon. Try to add vegetables in your smoothies and juices to reduce sugar.

4. Barbecue sauce

Buffalo Spare Ribs with Molasses Cider Barbecue Sauce
Buffalo Spare Ribs with Molasses Cider Barbecue Sauce

If you realise, fitness enthusiasts will never touch barbecue sauce. So the next time when you want to marinate your chicken in barbecue sauce you need to think again. The percentage of sodium is relatively high as well. Choose olive oil, lemon juice, and balsamic vinegar for a healthier option.

5. Soft drinks

Soft drinks usually contain a high amount of sweetener, caffeine, colorings, preservatives and other ingredients. All these ingredients are the contributor to the tummy. The next time you urge for a soft drink, drink some unsweetened tea instead.

Featured Image: www.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com


Read also: Ella Chen’s Ultimate Keep Fit Secret To Stay Slim