When selecting fruits and vegetables, aim to go for a variety of colour, literally, and eat as much colour as you can. By eating these natural produce of a variety of different colours, one can get the best all-around health benefits.

In particular, the berry family is a potent source of antioxidants including blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. The rich greens of leafy spinach, kale and lettuces are also chockfull of fibre and vitamins. Scarlet tomatoes contain stores of lycopene while cantaloupe melons have vitamins A and C, minerals and hydrating water.

Image: huffpost.com
Image: huffpost.com

Higher intake of cancer-fighting foods such as fruits and vegetables, fish, and fibre are associated with a decreased risk of colorectal, lung and breast cancers. Among the most highly regarded cancer-fighting foods abundant in markets and supermarkets in our neighbourhoods include:

Leafy Green Vegetables – Rich supplies of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes, yet very low in calories, fats, and sodium. Think spinach, kale, romaine, and watercress. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) found in leafy greens, which are made from glucosinolates, have been reported to help detox your body at the cellular level.

Image: stephanieschuh.com
Image: stephanieschuh.com

Cruciferous vegetables – examples like broccoli and cauliflower are powerful cancer fighters with rich stores of Vitamin C and glutathione, a potent antioxidant.

Berries – renowned antixodant rich with vitamin C, vitamin A and gallic acid, a powerful antifungal/antiviral agent that increases immunity. Berries are rich in proanthocyanidin antioxidants, capable of lowering free radical damage.

Heart-Healthy Food To Add Into Your Meals-berries
Image: kashmirbox.com

Herbs and spices – even the humblest natural ingredients hold the key to health such as turmeric that contains curcumin, proven to decrease tumour size and fight breast and colon cancer. A single teaspoon of turmeric powder consumed daily helps or in the form of supplements.

In line with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Juice Works Malaysia has launched two delicious drinks designed to offer some of the most potent health-boosting properties to the body:

CHERISH YOUR HEART offers a naturally scintillating selection of strawberries, apples, spinach and pineapple to zest up your day. This is a potent potion designed to boost the immune system.

SWEET HEART combines the juiciness of fresh plump strawberries with fragrant apricots blended to perfection with creamy bananas, muesli, low fat soymilk and mango yoghurt. Not only is the musky fragrance of apricots irresistible, these lovely golden fruits are rich in plant antioxidants. Yoghurt helps balance the digestive system and loads it with healthy probiotics, or friendly bacteria with live cultures.


“Our bodies need a healthy diet to function at its best and this is especially crucial if we have cancer,” explains Juice Works Malaysia founder, Ling Mooi Li, who is a trained pharmacist.

She further highlights on the importance of optimal nutrition because when we are eating well, it helps us feel better overall, strengthens us, and builds muscles, all of which supports us in tolerating the side effects of treatments for cancer. “Fresh fruits and vegetables offer a boost to our immune system to hasten recovery and also decrease chances of infections,” Ling says.

Related: Juice Works Malaysia Launches their Revitalised Menu, Consists of Supergreen Hero and More

– Cover Image: philly.com