We all know the basics to maintaining a good set of teeth – brush twice a day, floss, skip the sodas and drink plenty of water, visit the dentist regularly, and so on. But did you know there are some habits we undertake in our daily lives that actually damage our teeth without us realising it?

1. Rinsing after brushing. This was the biggest lesson for me, but rather than rinse your teeth with water after brushing them, you should only spit out the excess toothpaste. Else you’re washing away all the good stuff!

Image: sublimebeautynaturals.com
Image: sublimebeautynaturals.com

2. Not brushing as soon as you wake up. Some of you may think “I’ll brush after breakfast” because really, what’s the biggie, right? Well actually, that’s a bad idea. You should brush your teeth as soon as you wake up to get rid of any of the bad stuff that has built up in your mouth over night (imagine digesting all that with your breakfast, ew). Also after your breakfast, you could do a mouth rinse if you like.

3. Don’t immediately brush after every meal. Experts suggest to wait 30 – 40 minutes after your meal before you brush your teeth. This helps reduce the amount of erosion your teeth go through.

Image: news.com.au
Image: news.com.au

4. Skip the hard toothbrush bristles. I don’t even know why companies still sell these considering it isn’t good for our gum health! Hard bristles are too rough and you should use the medium-soft bristles

Image: womenshealthmag.com
Image: womenshealthmag.com

5. Do not use your teeth as a bottle opener. Though at first this might seem like an impressive skill, you’re really not doing yourself (and your teeth) any favours. In fact, you’re more likely to chip your tooth!

6. Flossing after brushing. Did you know you should floss your teeth BEFORE your brush it? It helps to loosen debris and plaque. Brush your teeth after and you should have sparkly clean whites.

7. Never floss back and forth along your gum line. This damages your gums, instead you should floss up and down the side of your teeth.

Also Read: 3 Safer Ways to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

– Cover Image: sumasmountaindental.com