Ever wondered why there are sudden breakouts concentrated in one area of your face? The art of face mapping helps you detect the causes and remedies to your blemishes by understanding which ‘zone’ your breakout occurs.


Image: stylecraze.com
Image: stylecraze.com

Breakout here could indicate that you have poor digestion, stress or an irregular sleeping pattern. The textbook solution to flushing out impurities? Drink plenty of water! Consuming raw fruits, vegetables, and chewing your food more thoroughly will help ease digestion. Try to avoid consumption of caffeine, alcohol or fizzy drinks as they interrupt your sleeping pattern.


Image: khoobsurati.com
Image: khoobsurati.com

Your liver is overworked trying to cleanse your body of toxins, from your meals and the pollutions we’re exposed to. Give your liver a break by actually resting yourself. Get plenty of fresh air, meditate and take a breather. Also, cut off that one guilty pleasure that’s terrible on both your health and skin- fast foods.

Eyes & Ears 

Image: askmeonwellness.com
Image: askmeonwellness.com

Blemishes around these areas, including dark circles around the eyes, are usually related to kidney issues. Smoking, alcohol and lack of water intake cause dehydration, which impacts your kidneys negatively. Try to cut back on those cigs. Make sure to consume 8 glasses of water a day and avoid caffeinated beverages as their diuretic properties may worsen dehydration.


Image: cosmopolitan.com
Image: cosmopolitan.com

Blemishes appearing in these zones of your face are usually linked to your lungs. Air pollution, smoking and allergens can contribute to breakouts on your cheeks. Externally though, bacteria on your cell phone or dirty pillowcase could just as easily be the culprits. Avoid unnecessary contact with polluted air. Try cleaning your phone with anti-bacterial wipes anytime you can and change your pillow case at least once a week.


Image: demandstudios.com
Image: demandstudios.com

Indoor and outdoor air pollution, bad circulation, and high blood pressure. This area is full of dilated pores, so anything you bring close to your face should be kept clean. Diet modification is the key when it comes to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Replace ‘bad’ fats with more fruits, vegetables, nuts and Omega-rich fish. You could try implementing cayenne, garlic, and reishi mushroom into your meals to keep your blood pressure in check.


Image: acneassassins.com

Breakout here could very likely indicate hormonal imbalance. Is it that time of the month or are you simply stressed? It is no secret that your body functions more optimally when you’re not in stress, so relax… Eating too much fat and sweet food can cause problems in this area. This is true for caffeine and alcohol consumption as well.


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– Cover Image: diduknowonline.com