Are you a coffee lover? Some of the people waking themselves up with a good cup of coffee, while some of the people take a coffee break after lunch hour. However, do you know actually coffee grounds are very useful? Never ever throw away your used coffee grounds again after reading this, here are 5 tricks to reuse the leftover coffee grounds.
- Refresh your refrigerator and environment

You have heard many uses of baking soda, but do you know that coffee grounds can keep your refrigerator fresh? Similar to baking soda, coffee grounds serve as a deodorizer. Just put a small bowl of coffee grounds in the fridge to suck up all the bad smells.
2. Fertiliser

If you are growing any acid-loving plants, then coffee grounds will be the best organic fertiliser for them. For example, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, camellias and roses are acid-loving plants. Simply mix your old grounds with some brown leaves, dead grass clippings to neutralise the acidity and spread them around your plants.
3. Clean dishes
As the texture of coffee grounds are quite rough, it is a great dishes cleaner. Use them to clean the tough-to-clean dishes or some unwanted scratches on the pot and pan.
4. Exfoliate Skin

If you notice, there are some store who selling coffee infused skin care. Coffee grounds actually make an excellent exfoliating body scrub! Just add used grounds to a bit of warm water or your favourite all-natural oil, and scrub it on your body to remove those dead skin cells.
5. Cellulite treatment
We don’t hope to see any cellulite on my body, however, poor diet, frequent or extended periods of sitting may cause this problem. Try to use cellulite-reducing coffee scrubs and you will slowly see the difference yourself. Mix coffee grounds and warm water, use it twice per week on any areas affected by cellulite.
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