We would like to share with you some sustainability tips shared by an industry leader in U.S. recycling and non-hazardous solid waste, Republic Services, Inc, to benefit the environment and your wallet during this holiday season.


7 Holiday Sustainability Tips

  1. Save and reuse gift bags, ribbons and bows for next year – its smart for the environment and for your wallet!
  2. Recycle that wrapping paper… even the glittery kind!
  3. Curb paper waste by creating personalized e-cards using one of the many user-friendly websites available.
  4. Use shredded paper for packing instead of foam. Newsprint, magazines and scrap paper can add a personal touch.
  5. Make a shopping list before going to the store to avoid food waste.
  6. Save and reuse the bubble wrap. It’s tempting, but try not to pop it!
  7. Always make sure your recyclables are Empty, Clean & Dry before tossing them into the recycling container.


A few items to reuse, repurpose or dispose of this holiday season include: bubble wrap, holiday ribbons and bows, gift bags, cellophane and packing form or polystyrene foam. Keep in mind that toy packaging made of heavy cardboard is only recyclable when the cardboard is separated from the plastic. Sticky gift tags are not recyclable by themselves, but they are acceptable if affixed to an envelope or wrapping paper.


Additionally, by ensuring that recyclables are Empty of their contents, Clean of any residue, and Dry before tossing them into the recycling container, consumers can do their part to help reduce recycling contamination. This better ensures that recyclables are ultimately repurposed into new materials as originally intended. It can also play an important part in reinvigorating the economics of recycling, which will help to preserve the environmental benefits of recycling for generations to come.

Source: PR Newswire

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