A whiter teeth help make your smile brighter. One can never underestimate the importance of having a set of white tooth shining at the back of a smile. However, if you love coffee or tea it is quite difficult to maintain a white smile.

The good news is, sometimes the best beauty products are also the most easily available in your kitchen. There are a variety of ways to get teeth whitened with no chemicals required. Not only these tooth whitening “food” are affordable, they work like a charm and easily to get a hold of.

We have put together seven food you can use in your daily diet to help you whiten your teeth.


Image: edlong.com
Image: edlong.com

Cheese is an excellent source of protein, calcium and phosphorus that can help protect your teeth. Studies shows that eating cheese, cheddar especially can help increases the production of saliva which help forms a protective barrier around the crowns of teeth. So be thankful with the generous amount of cheddar cheese on your pizza.


Image: newhealthadvisor.com
Image: newhealthadvisor.com

Pineapple consists of an enzyme called bromelain which acts as a natural stain remover to whiten your teeth without destroying your enamel. In addition, bromelain also helps break up plaque, the sticky film of bacteria that accumulates on your teeth. The plaque will demineralized tooth enamel and cause cavities if it doesn’t clean up in its own.


Image: frugalhausfrau.com
Image: frugalhausfrau.com

Broccoli contains iron which helps form an acid-resistant film or barrier that can protect the enamel of your teeth. Besides that, broccoli stimulates saliva production and help you to avoid the stains.


Image: underwoodgardens.com
Image: underwoodgardens.com

Onion contains thiosulphate and sulfur compounds that naturally reduce the bacteria that cause tooth decay. To take advantage of these benefits, it is recommended to consume onions raw. This is because cooking heat destroys onion’s ability to make sulfur compounds.


Image: ssmalu.com
Image: ssmalu.com

Raisins nutrition offers plenty in the way of oral health benefits, such as preventing the bacteria that cause cavities and periodontal pain. Moreover, raisins also protect teeth from plaque buildup and increase  saliva production which rinses away food particles and bacteria.


Image: livestrongcdn.com
Image: livestrongcdn.com

Carrots contain vitamin A, which is essential for healthy tooth enamel. To get the most out of carrot, eating them raw would be great because carrot stimulates salivation which is your mouth natural cleanser.

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– Cover Image: nigellockdds.com