Feel like you could be achieving more in your life? Here’s your chance. It’s time to stop procrastination and start maximising your time towards productive tasks.

It can be very hard to do, trust us, we know it’s easier said than done. Especially with all the distractions we surround ourselves with – our social media-filled phones, TV on demand, netflix and chill, you name it!

Here are a few life hacks to help you keep focused on your tasks and motivated enough to avoid procrastinating. Try following them and see if they help get you into the groove.

Time to get into the zone

1. Pamper yourself with a reward once you’ve completed a task

Image: alifeofproductivity.com
Image: alifeofproductivity.com

To keep yourself focused on the task at hand, allocate a little reward to keep yourself motivated. It could be anything, from a little treat you consume, to perhaps a couple of hours doing something you enjoy. You’ll find that knowing you have something positive to pamper yourself to after the arduous task will actually keep you focused on the goal. In fact, you might find yourself incredibly focused and you just forget the reward all together!

2. Break your task down into smaller nugget-sized tasks

Image: gospaces.com
Image: gospaces.com

When the task at hand gets a little overwhelming and daunting, it might be that it seems like a mountain of a mission to get through. Breaking it down into smaller nugget-sized mini tasks will help you tackle the big mound… eventually. Getting through the smaller tasks little by little will be a form of self-motivation and you’ll eventually want to keep going. It’s also incredibly satisfying to cross them off your to-do list. The most important part? You’ll be making progress rather than being paralysed by procrastination!

3. Give your brain a little exercise

Image: memd.me
Image: memd.me

They say sudoku is great for this, or perhaps even a crossword puzzle. Try to slowly ease yourself into the frame of mind to complete tasks and be in “the zone”. It doesn’t always happen immediately and you’ll need to get the gears in your mind well-oiled and running before you can start getting any real work done. Read a book, have an intellectual conversation, or complete a short puzzle. Give it a try, it works!

4. Are you procrastinating because you’re over-thinking?

Image: keenmag.com
Image: keenmag.com

At times in our mission to achieve perfection, we end up in a state of paralysis and we end up doing absolutely nothing. You look at the clock and half a day has gone by without you actually achieving much. This usually happens when you just start to over-think everything, you over-analyse, and you suddenly become unable to perform. Let it go. Go back to Step 2 and break your tasks into nuggets. This will slowly get you into the momentum and you’ll be right on the path of completing your task.

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