Coach introduces the Disney Mickey Mouse x Keith Haring collection with a campaign starring Coach family and friends Kaia Gerber, Cole Sprouse, Kōki, Xiao Wen Ju and Myles O’Neal.
Spotlighting Haring’s iconic illustrations of Mickey Mouse from the 1980s, the special edition collaboration brings together three American icons – Coach, Disney and Haring. The collection includes bags crafted in glovetanned leather topped with Mickey’s ears, and a shearling jacket, totes, and sweatshirts printed with Haring’s artwork.
Reimagined within the collection, Haring’s illustrations of Mickey Mouse uniquely illuminate his philosophy as an artist—his belief that art should be for everyone, and the tension between originality and pop culture his work often explored. The collection also includes Haring’s “Andy Mouse,” his artwork featuring Haring’s personal hero Andy Warhol drawn as Mickey Mouse—and a celebration of pop art.
Created in collaboration with photographer Alessandro Simonetti, the Disney Mickey Mouse x Keith Haring campaign depicts the international cast on streets that channel the energy of downtown New York in the 80s, where Haring lived and created his art.
“Sometimes the best design comes from the most unlikely juxtapositions, and I can’t think of a cultural clash that brings me more joy than Mickey Mouse and Keith Haring,” said Coach Creative Director Stuart Vevers. “Ahead of its time when it was first made, this art feels so timely today as we can celebrate and appreciate the diverse work of great creators whoever they may be, without social boundaries. As my collections over the years have shown, I love Disney and I love Keith Haring, so this collaboration makes for my ultimate treat.”
To introduce the collection, Coach also launched the Disney Mickey Mouse x Coach Exploratorium, an interactive digital experience where customers can watch exclusive videos featuring stars of the campaign Kaia Gerber and Kōki, learn more about Haring, Mickey and the collection, shop physical and digital products, and create their own street art in the style of Haring.
The Disney Mickey Mouse x Keith Haring Collection will be available at all Coach stores nationwide from 28th December onwards. Coach will also celebrate the collection with an exclusive pop-up at Level 3 Pavilion Kuala Lumpur from 28th December 2020 to 10 January 2021.
Read also: Coach Presents A Colourful and Playful Holiday 2020 Collection that Embodies the Spirit of Holidays