Masturbation has always been considered a taboo topic and the part people are often ashamed of. However the fact is you shouldn’t feel embarrassed for masturbating because it does contain some health benefits.

Studies show that 70 percent and 50 percent of adult men and women masturbate, respectively. The popular Woody Allen once said “Don’t knock masturbation, it’s sex with someone I love” and I wholly agree because it’s 100% true. With that said, here are seven reasons why every woman (and man too) should masturbate regularly.

Masturbation helps you get better sleep

Reasons and How to Get a Better Good Night Sleep

It lowers your blood pressure and reduces endorphins which are actually chemically easing stress and increasing relaxation.

Masturbation improves your sex life

You know what you like and therefore you know how to help someone else to get you there after practicing on yourself.

Masturbation relieves cramps


Masturbation increases blood flow to the pelvic area which actually eases the pain.

Masturbation alleviates urinary tract infections


Because it’s fleshing out old bacteria from the cervix and giving you some much needed relief.

Masturbation makes you feel sexy and helps to improve your confidence

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Image: tumblr

Because you’re touching your body.

Masturbation helps you to have bigger orgasm

Masturbation tones anal and pelvic muscles.

Pelvic muscles control both the strength and the length of your orgasms. Therefore having a stronger pelvic muscles lead to better sex, it can also reduce a woman’s chance of involuntary urine leakage.

Also Read:
8 Best Food to Increase Your Sex Drive;
Smile Makers’ Survey Found 65% of Malaysian Women are Sexually Satisfied

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