Keep Your Lips Hydrated This Fasting Month With These Lip Balms

Keep Your Lips Hydrated This Fasting Month With These Lip

During the month of Ramadhan, among the five pillars of Islam are the spiritual act of fasting and abstaining from certain behaviours take place from dawn to sunset. Because one is not allowed to drink or eat throughout the day, signs of dehydration will appear especially on your lips.

To give you a little more encouragement to pull-through your fasting period, a little lip balm can help make your lips feel more comfortable and add a bit of colour to perk up your complexion if you didn’t manage to put on some makeup for work.

For some of us, waking up before dawn might be a difficult feat which is why you can use an overnight lip treatment to bring back the moisture to your lips and you’ll wake up to softer, hydrated lips.

The Overnight Lip Treatments

Also, to help you abstain from licking your lips throughout the day (because we can’t resist it when it smells good!), we picked some mildly-scented or non-scented lip balms with/without SPF that can protect your lips from drying out. Some of these will give a tint of colour on your lips too.

Daytime Lip Balms

Read also: Want Smooth Lips? 3 Easy Ways to DIY Your Own Lip Scrub

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